For some people using pages on their mobile devices can be slow, cumbersome, and annoying. After all, who wants to wait for pages to load forever. Nobody has time for that! Google is aiming to change the way that these pages are viewed with their new plug-in for websites called AMP or Accelerated Mobile Page.
Check out our short video to learn more about how this could affect your web pages:
Video Transcript Below:
“Hey you guys, it’s Landon from Obu Interactive.
I’m coming to you today to about AMP, stands for Accelerated Mobile Pages, it’s a new feature out from Google to be built into their Google Analytic platform. It affects all websites across the web and it definitely something that gonna work with WordPress websites.
Now, if you are a lawyer you most likely have a website or a blog that is WordPress enabled, so you need to pay attention to this. Here’s what’s going to happen. Google did some research and learned that if, on a mobile phone, someone has to wait about 10 seconds to get a website to load- which doesn’t really seem really long, but it’s too long in this day and age- people bounce. Their not going to stay on the website, and they may not even use Google if they are seeking out a service or more information on what they are looking for.
So, Google’s mission is to deliver the most timely, relevant, search results and in doing so they want to strip down websites, make them faster to load, easier to use, so their users can get to the information they need.
What they have done is use AMP, Accelerated Mobile Page,what that will do is remove a lot of the JavaScript, which is something commonly found across a lot of websites, from the website that appears in the search results.
Now, how is that going to affect you? What could happen is JavaScript is most commonly found in things like contact forms, live chat, and sliders- sliders which may have testimonials or perhaps a verdict and settlement, or any other kind of shout out that you want on your page. So the website that you’ve have designed to have these features may not show up in mobile results. This is going to mean that there will be some changes down the road and designers and web marketers are going to have to plan accordingly.
Now, some people are wondering why would Google would go ahead and do this? Well the answer could be it could encourage more people to use paid search results, craft their pages a little bit better, and that way generate more advertising revenue for it. There has been some backlash in the community some people feel that it’s just going to be a phase, while other people are looking at what people can do to make their websites faster and faster- compressing images, making their coding cleaner, things of this kind of nature.
If you are unsure of where you may stand on your website, if you feel like your web developer doesn’t know what they are talking about, haven’t heard of it, we’ve heard of it. We know what we can do to help, please give us a call. My name is Landon, you can reach me at 619-807-9654, Thank you very much.”