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Cuil: First impressions mean everything

Monday’s buzz about Cuil should ease itself by tomorrow.  Cuil, pronounced “cool,” blasted off its press releases and got an excellent response from the media today.  It was the “top story” on CNN at 7am PST, and most of the Aussie and European bloggers had already made several posts about it.  Surprisingly, even now at 4pm PST, the Wall Street Journal continues to keep it at the top of their online stories…back on CNN it appears Amy Winehouse’s umpteenth admission into a hospital has taken the top spot.

Let’s start with the technical side and how it works.  Note:If any part of this paragraph seems to be over your head, just skip to the next one for likes and dislikes.  Cuil uses content analysis as its core algorithm, as opposed to Google’s link popularity element.  Cuil also claims that it’s not interested in any of the private information that Google records. If it is news to you that Google records your searches as well as other information, you can probably understand why they have the “make no evil” motto, and keep their public image clean with employee massages, pet-friendly offices, and a 24 hour organic-cafeteria.

What is cool about Cuil:

Not cool:

Google is laughing.

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